I am having issues with how we are currently storing our SQL queries, we currently have a java class that stores the SQL as a public static final, some of these SQL queries require a global string object to be injected into the where clause such as a system name or a user name, however because we store the queries as a static final, when another test runs and the system name or user name has the value reassigned the SQL query still holds the value from the previous test, I need to find a more efficient and stable way to store the SQL queries. can anyone help?
Example of how we store our SQL queries:
public static final String GET_USER_ACCESS_VALUES =
"SELECT \n" +
"[Company].[dbo].[TUsers].[PINExpiryDate]\n" +
",[Company].[dbo].[TUsers].[PINForceChange]\n" +
",[Company].[dbo].[TUsers].[Active]\n" +
",[Company].[dbo].[TUsers].[ContractExpiry]\n" +
",[Company].[dbo].[TUserGroups].[Name]\n" +
",[Company].[dbo].[TUsers].[ActiveDate]\n" +
",[Company].[dbo].[TUsers].[ExpiryDate]\n" +
",[Company].[dbo].[TUsers].[AllowanceAcrossSystemsOverride]\n" +
"FROM [Company].[dbo].[TUsers] \n" +
"INNER JOIN [Company].[dbo].[TUserGroups] \n" +
"ON [Company].[dbo].[TUsers].[UserGroupID] = [Company].[dbo].[TUserGroups].[UserGroupID]\n" +
"WHERE [Company].[dbo].[TUsers].[DisplayName] = '" + userNameValue +"'";
Don't concatenate strings like that. Use PreparedStatement
with the setString
method to set the user name.
PreparedStatement prep = connection.prepareStatement(GET_USER_ACCESS_VALUES);
prep.setString(1, userNameValue);
now just has a ?
for the name:
public static final String GET_USER_ACCESS_VALUES = """
FROM [Company].[dbo].[TUsers]
INNER JOIN [Company].[dbo].[TUserGroups]
ON [Company].[dbo].[TUsers].[UserGroupID] = [Company].[dbo].[TUserGroups].[UserGroupID]
WHERE [Company].[dbo].[TUsers].[DisplayName] = ?
I have used a Java 15 text block here to simplify the string
Answered By - greg-449
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