In the pb model, I have a PRelu
layer. Because tflite
do not have PRelu
OP, so I convert the PRelu
to Relu
like this:
pos = relu(x)
neg = - alphas * relu(-x)
return pos + neg
When converting to tflite
model, the PRelu
will be replaced by relu
and negative OPs. But when converting, the neg part relu
op between two negative op is dropped by toco
. The converted model looked like this:
pos = relu(x)
neg = -alphas * (-x)
return pos + neg
any problem?
Tensorflow Lite fuses the activation function with the op itself, so Relu
ops will be removed from the graph. Quote from documentation (that also mentions about tf.nn.relu
Note that many of those operations don't have TensorFlow Lite equivalents and the corresponding model will not be convertible if they can't be elided or fused.
Let's see what it means. Your above code of PReLU in TensorFlow, visualized using TensorBoard, looks like following (the ORIGINAL graph):
conv --> relu ---------------------\
\-> neg -> relu -> mul -> neg --> add
However, due to the fact that TfLite fuses the Relu
ops with the previous op (more in docs), it will TRY to make something like this (note that [A+B]
is a fused layer of A
and B
[conv+relu] -----------------------------\
\-> [neg+relu] -> mul -> neg --> add
But, since neg
operation (unary minus) doesn't have activation function by design, what ACTUALLY happens inside TF-Lite looks like following (this was tested by myself on version 1.9.0
[conv+relu] ----------------------\
\-> neg -> mul -> neg --> add
So, it makes no sense!
My personal work-around of this is the following (considering you already have a trained *.pb
model and don't want to re-train a new model just because the architecture has changed):
def tflite_tolerant_prelu(_x, alpha, name_scope):
with tf.name_scope(name_scope):
alpha = tf.constant(alpha, name='alpha')
return tf.maximum(_x, 0) + alpha * tf.minimum(_x, 0)
def replace_prelu(graph, prelu_block_name, tensor_before, tensor_after):
alpha = graph.get_tensor_by_name(os.path.join(prelu_block_name, 'alpha:0'))
with tf.Session() as sess:
alpha_val = alpha.eval()
new_prelu = tflite_tolerant_prelu(tensor_before,
alpha_val, prelu_block_name + '_new')
tf.contrib.graph_editor.swap_inputs(tensor_after.op, [new_prelu])
before = mtcnn_graph.get_tensor_by_name('pnet/conv1/BiasAdd:0')
after = mtcnn_graph.get_tensor_by_name('pnet/pool1:0')
replace_prelu(mtcnn_graph, 'pnet/PReLU1', before, after)
This code was used to transfer MTCNN from TensorFlow to TensorFlow Lite. Looks a bit ugly (definitely needs make it look cleaner), but it is fully functional and does the job. Note that I used the graph editor tool tensorflow.contrib.graph_editor
to modify the graph in offline-mode.
Answered By - hav4ik
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