This is how orders are kept in the dictionary.
I want to keep the same seller values in the dictionary in another dictionary. and separately I want to save it as order in database.
"1": {"image": "67021f123f31ab63834f.jpg", "name": "Chai", "price": 18.0, "quantity": "1", "seller": "2"},
"24": {"image": "", "name": "Guaran\u00e1 Fant\u00e1stica", "price": 4.5, "quantity": "1", "seller": "2"},
"3": {"image": "", "name": "Aniseed Syrup", "price": 10.0, "quantity": "1", "seller": "10"}
If the seller values are the same, I want it to be like this.
"1": {"image": "67021f123f31ab63834f.jpg", "name": "Chai", "price": 18.0, "quantity": "1", "seller": "2"},
"24": {"image": "", "name": "Guaran\u00e1 Fant\u00e1stica", "price": 4.5, "quantity": "1", "seller": "2"}
"3": {"image": "", "name": "Aniseed Syrup", "price": 10.0, "quantity": "1", "seller": "10"}
how can i separate dictionaries like this..
i am new here. Sorry for my language mistakes and other mistakes.
Create a dictionary whose keys are sellers, and values are these nested dictionaries.
from collections import defaultdict
sellers = default_dict(dict)
for orderid, order in orders.items():
sellers[order['seller']][orderid] = order
Answered By - Barmar
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