I want to implement these three layers in a single class, but I face this problem
ValueError: out_channels must be divisible by groups I don't understand where is the mistake?!
THis is the code:
class Block(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, exp=1, stride=1, type=''):
self.t = type
self.stride = stride, self.outc = in_channels, out_channels
self.exp = exp
self.blockc = nn.Sequential(
nn.Conv2d(,* self.exp, kernel_size=1),
nn.Conv2d( * self.exp, self.outc, kernel_size=3, groups= * self.exp, stride= self.stride),
nn.Conv2d(self.outc, self.outc * self.exp, kernel_size=1),
nn.Linear(self.outc * self.exp, self.outc * self.exp))
def forward(self, x):
out = self.blockc(x)
if self.t == 'A':
out = torch.sum(out,x)
return out
and here is the layers consists of depthwise convolution and conv 1x1 also there is a param exp
which means out_channels = exp* in_channles
Here is a possible implementation, you will have to adjust the channels and padding for your needs:
class BType(Enum):
A = 0
B = 1
C = 2
class Block(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, c_in: int, c_out: int, btype: BType) -> nn.Module:
self.btype = btype
if btype == BType.A:
assert c_in == c_out
self.c1 = nn.Sequential(
nn.Conv2d(c_in, c_in, kernel_size=1),
self.c2 = nn.Sequential(
nn.Conv2d(c_in, c_in, kernel_size=3, groups=c_in,
stride=2 if btype == BType.C else 1,
padding=2 if btype == BType.C else 1),
self.c3 = nn.Conv2d(c_in, c_out, kernel_size=1)
def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
out = self.c1(x)
out = self.c2(out)
out = self.c3(out)
if self.btype == BType.A:
out += x
return out
Here is a test with all three block types:
block A:
>>> block = Block(3, 3, BType.A) >>> block(torch.rand(2,3,10,10)).shape torch.Size([2, 3, 10, 10])
block B:
>>> block = Block(3, 10, BType.B) >>> block(torch.rand(2,3,10,10)).shape torch.Size([2, 10, 10, 10])
block C:
>>> block = Block(3, 10, BType.C) >>> block(torch.rand(2,3,10,10)).shape torch.Size([2, 10, 6, 6])
Answered By - Ivan
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