I'm trying to format some data once it's printed to the console in Python (I'm also using pandas if that helps.) Here's what I'm just trying to align vertically:
print("CensusTract State County Races")
for index, row in df.iterrows():
if row['Income'] >= 50000:
if row['Poverty'] > 50:
print(row['CensusTract'], row['State'], row['County'], end=" ")
if row['Hispanic'] > 1:
print("Hispanic:", row['Hispanic'], end=" ")
if row['White'] > 1:
print("White:", row['White'], end=" ")
etc. (ends with \n)
currently this code prints:
CensusTract State County Races
12071080100 Florida Lee Hispanic: 4.5 White: 74.7 Black: 20.8
13121003500 Georgia Fulton Hispanic: 4.8 White: 32.4 Black: 57.9 Asian: 1.1
15003008611 Hawaii Honolulu Hispanic: 9.7 White: 26.6 Asian: 2.4 Pacific: 51.6
17097863003 Illinois Lake Hispanic: 12.9 White: 61.5 Black: 13.4 Asian: 5.0
34023005100 New Jersey Middlesex Hispanic: 8.3 White: 60.4 Black: 7.3 Asian: 22.1
36119981000 New York Westchester Hispanic: 19.2 White: 30.4 Black: 29.6 Asian: 19.9
40109103602 Oklahoma Oklahoma Hispanic: 3.3 White: 60.0 Black: 29.3
Compared to what I want:
CensusTract State County Races
12071080100 Florida Lee Hispanic: 4.5 White: 74.7 Black: 20.8
13121003500 Georgia Fulton Hispanic: 4.8 White: 32.4 Black: 57.9 Asian: 1.1
15003008611 Hawaii Honolulu Hispanic: 9.7 White: 26.6 Asian: 2.4 Pacific: 51.6
17097863003 Illinois Lake Hispanic: 12.9 White: 61.5 Black: 13.4 Asian: 5.0
34023005100 New Jersey Middlesex Hispanic: 8.3 White: 60.4 Black: 7.3 Asian: 22.1
36119981000 New York Westchester Hispanic: 19.2 White: 30.4 Black: 29.6 Asian: 19.9
40109103602 Oklahoma Oklahoma Hispanic: 3.3 White: 60.0 Black: 29.3
You can save some trouble with the nested for loops and iterating through rows by writing your queries in pandas.
df[(df['Income'] >= 50000) & (df['Poverty'] > 50)][['CensusTract', 'State', 'County', 'Hispanic', 'White', 'Black', 'Asian', 'Pacific']]
The above code tells pandas to look for rows where the income is >= 50000 AND the poverty is above 50. Then we are telling it to only show us the columns that we want to see with [['column 1', 'column 2']] etc.
This is what you should see after running the line of code:
Answered By - Chowlett2
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