I'm still a beginner at learning Python. I want to ask something about loops. I found a written code like this:
user_ids = [u for u, c in user_ids_count.most_common(n)]
movie_ids = [m for m, c in movie_ids_count.most_common(m)]
how to read this code? I know that user_ids
is the object and user_ids_count.most_common()
is the function/method (please correct me if I'm wrong), but I have no idea what the logic sense of u for u, c
and what does that mean because I can't find any loops example that's written like this.
You are right. The user_ids_count.most_common()
is the function/method. But the user_ids
is a variable that stores the address for a list that you are creating.
The user_ids_count.most_common()
method returns a list of tuples which means each element in that list consists of two values. With u for u, c in
, you make an iteration on the list elements, in each iteration assign the first value in the tuple to u
, and the second value in the tuple to c
. Then you build a new array with u
Here is an example:
[u for u, c in [(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6)]]
will return:
[1, 3, 5]
Answered By - Happy Ahmad
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