I know there is a way to color fonts by using HTML tag in this way: <span style='color:green'>TEST</span>
But when I do something like <span style='color:green'>## TEST</span>, the headers feature will not appear, i.e. the font size is not enlarged.
Is there a neat way to color headers in markdown in Jupyter Notebook without using lengthy css stuff? Thanks.
I have tried searched a lot on Google and Stackoverflow but I still cannot find a solution to my problem. I am expecting a solution. Thanks.
On github and gitlab you can use KATEX who can help with good codes like \color{colorname}
who change the color from the text inside the $$$$
code, like below:
# $${\color{purple} \boxed{ \frak{ \color{orange}Rise \space \color{cyan}and \space \color{magenta}Rise \space \color{lime}again \space \color{violet}until \space \color{lightgray}Lambs \space \color{teal}become \space \color{red}Lions !} } }$$
On github profile:
Like jupiter use almost the same markdown, you can check if you can use LATEX or KATEX code.
More info about LATEX on jupyter here: towards data science - markdown latex on jupyter
Answered By - F4NT0
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