How to make a new line on TextEdit Box in QErrorMessage ? and How to trim the blank space in windows headings? Here is My Code,
self.error_msg = QErrorMessage()
exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
filename = exc_traceback.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename
lineno = exc_traceback.tb_lineno
name = exc_traceback.tb_frame.f_code.co_name
type = exc_type.__name__
message = exc_value
nl = '\n'
self.error_msg.showMessage(f'File Name : {filename[:-3]}{nl}Line No. : {lineno}')
print(f'File Name : {filename[:-2]}{nl} Line No. : {lineno}')
This code produces the following result:
How to trim the blank space in windows headings ( Space between AttributeError and question mark) and How to make a new line in Qtextedit box ( File name is in first line, Line No in next line)
The text field is a standard QTextEdit, and showMessage()
actually uses setHtml()
In HTML, new line characters are treated as white spaces (and merged with them in the same manner). Just use the standard HTML line break separator:
n1 = '<br/>'
That question mark has nothing to do with the title text, nor QErrorMessage: it's the standard context help button that exists on any standard Windows dialog (so, all QDialog subclasses use it by default). Since it's a window flag, just use the standard method for customizing window hints:
self.error_msg.setWindowFlag(Qt.WindowContextHelpButtonHint, False))
Answered By - musicamante
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