When I load ipython with any one of:
ipython qtconsole
ipython qtconsole --pylab
ipython qtconsole --pylab inline
The output buffer only holds the last 500 lines. To see this run:
for x in range(0, 501):
...: print x
Is there a configuration option for this? I've tried adjusting --cache-size but this does not seem to make a difference.
ipython qtconsole --IPythonWidget.buffer_size=1000
Or you can set it permanently by adding:
in your ipython config file.
For discovering this sort of thing, a helpful trick is:
ipython qtconsole --help-all | grep PATTERN
For instance, you already had 'buffer', so:
$> ipython qtconsole --help-all | grep -C 3 buffer
Default: 500
The maximum number of lines of text before truncation. Specifying a non-
positive number disables text truncation (not recommended).
If IPython used a different name than you expect and that first search turned up nothing, then you could use 500
, since you knew what the value was that you wanted to change, which would also find the relevant config.
Answered By - minrk
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