How would you perform a full outer join a cross join of two dataframes with no columns in common using pandas?
In MySQL, you can simply do:
FROM table_1
[CROSS] JOIN table_2;
But in pandas, doing:
df_1.merge(df_2, how='outer')
gives an error:
MergeError: No common columns to perform merge on
The best solution I have so far is using sqlite
import sqlalchemy as sa engine = sa.create_engine('sqlite:///tmp.db') df_1.to_sql('df_1', engine) df_2.to_sql('df_2', engine) df = pd.read_sql_query('SELECT * FROM df_1 JOIN df_2', engine)
From Paul's comment, you can now use df = df1.merge(df2, how="cross")
The older method of creating temporary columns:
IIUC you need merge
with temporary columns tmp
of both DataFrames
import pandas as pd
df1 = pd.DataFrame({'fld1': ['x', 'y'],
'fld2': ['a', 'b1']})
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'fld3': ['y', 'x', 'y'],
'fld4': ['a', 'b1', 'c2']})
print df1
fld1 fld2
0 x a
1 y b1
print df2
fld3 fld4
0 y a
1 x b1
2 y c2
df1['tmp'] = 1
df2['tmp'] = 1
df = pd.merge(df1, df2, on=['tmp'])
df = df.drop('tmp', axis=1)
print df
fld1 fld2 fld3 fld4
0 x a y a
1 x a x b1
2 x a y c2
3 y b1 y a
4 y b1 x b1
5 y b1 y c2
Answered By - jezrael
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