I noticed that in python for a vector, it does not matter the order you transpose it when calculating the inner product. Is this a bug?
If u is a series
import numpy as np
u = np.array([0,1,1,1])
u.T @ u
returns a scalar as it should.
But also,
u @ u.T
Is also returning a scalar. Any ideas of what could be going on?
In numpy
, if you intend to do linear algebra operations, you need to make 2-dimensional arrays. Your example above is 1-dim, so it is not recognized as a matrix.
There is still a "matrix" object in the numpy linalg library but it is deprecated, I believe, and the best way is just to make (or reshape) arrays into 2-d objects if you intend to do linear algebra
In [36]: import numpy as np
In [37]: u = np.array([1, 0, 2])
In [38]: u.T
Out[38]: array([1, 0, 2])
In [39]: u = u.reshape((1,3))
In [40]: u.T
In [41]: u @ u.T
Out[41]: array([[5]])
In [42]: u.T @ u
array([[1, 0, 2],
[0, 0, 0],
[2, 0, 4]])
Answered By - AirSquid
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