I am writing a program that has multiple functions to execute, and the user selects which one runs by inputting a number. I also want the user to be able to let the user cancel the request by typing "cancel".
Right now this is my code:
func = input("Requested Operation: ")
if func == 'Cancel' or func == 'cancel':
elif func == '' or func == ' ' or func == '0':
func = 0
elif type(int(func)) is int:
func = int(func)
fail = True
Context: Function 0 displays a list of the available items to choose from, so I want whitespace or 0 to work as displaying the project list. If the user types "Cancel" or "cancel" it will end the program.
The problem I am having is line 6 (the 2nd elif). My goal is to set the fail variable to True if the user inputs a string that isn't a cancel command, so the code breaks right there and starts over. The problem is, how do I preemptively check if a string can be converted to an integer in the first place? My current iteration returns the error invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'asdg'
(asdg being the random nonsense that should make fail = True).
Also, I understand this method is probably super inefficient. Essentially, I want the conditional to be "if func is cancel, break. If func is whitespace or '0', then it equals 0. If func is some non-0 integer, convert the string to an integer and continue. Otherwise, set fail to True and break."
My knowledge of python is minimal so I would very much appreciate a full explanation or link to documentation so I can learn as much as possible.
Thanks in advance :)
Edit: This is the entire module
import projects.dice_app as dice_app
import projects.text_to_math as text_to_math
def main():
f = open("readme_files/index.txt")
p = open("readme_files/projects.txt")
func = 0
while True:
fail = False
func = input("Requested Operation: ")
if func == 'Cancel' or func == 'cancel':
elif func == '' or func == ' ' or func == '0':
func = 0
elif type(int(func)) is int:
func = int(func)
fail = True
if func == 0:
p = open("readme_files/projects.txt")
elif func == 1:
elif func == 2:
print("Invalid operation. Please try again.")
if __name__ == "__main__":
fail = False
while fail == True:
elif func.isnumeric():
func = int(func)
Answered By - SystemSigma_
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