I am trying to render charts using Plotly library in Databricks. However, no image is rendered. I use for example this statement:
from plotly.offline import init_notebook_mode, iplot
from plotly import graph_objs as go
# Initialize plotly
def plotly_df(df, title=''):
"""Visualize all the dataframe columns as line plots."""
common_kw = dict(x=df.index, mode='lines')
data = [go.Scatter(y=df[c], name=c, **common_kw) for c in df.columns]
layout = dict(title=title)
fig = dict(data=data, layout=layout)
iplot(fig, show_link=False)
There is no output. Why?
Edit: Plotly has updated its library to support better rendering in Databricks. See the answer above.
From looking at the docs, you have to specify output_type='div'
and pass the plot object to displayHTML()
. Here's a working example in a Python notebook or cell:
## Install & import plotly
!pip install plotly
from plotly.offline import plot
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import numpy as np
x = np.random.randn(2000)
y = np.random.randn(2000)
# Instead of simply calling plot(...), store your plot as a variable and pass it to displayHTML().
# Make sure to specify output_type='div' as a keyword argument.
# (Note that if you call displayHTML() multiple times in the same cell, only the last will take effect.)
p = plot(
go.Histogram2dContour(x=x, y=y, contours=dict(coloring='heatmap')),
go.Scatter(x=x, y=y, mode='markers', marker=dict(color='white', size=3, opacity=0.3))
Answered By - Raphael K
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