I have a requirement, where I need to plot a plotly graph with two axes x
and y
. Is it possible to add another parameter to that graph (say z
) without plotting it in the graph?
For example, if water boils at 100 oC at time 5 AM, I want to plot time in X
and degrees at Y
and the word 'Water' to be added when hovering over that point.
UPDATE: In the below image, there are two points of a dataframe being shown when hovered about that point, now I want to know if its possible to add another column of the dataframe to the hover i.e, the column corresponding to 16.3, 621.1 is 300, then I want to show 300 in the hover too, without explicitly plotting it.
This is definitely not an elegant solution, but it works:
import plotly
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import pandas as pd
#Create a pandas DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame({"temp":["100", "15", "95", "90", "85"],
"time":["4 AM", "5 AM", "6 AM", "7 AM", "8 AM"],
"substance":["Water", "Milk", "Honey", "Beer", "Soda"]})
#Create a lists from DataFrame columns
temp = df["temp"]
time = df["time"]
substance = df["substance"]
#Create an empty list
textlist = []
#Fill this list with info from all of the lists above
for i in [*range(len(temp))]:
i = temp[i] + "," + time[i] + "," + substance[i]
#Set title plot
title = "Boil water"
#Choose in parameter text what you want to see (textlist)
data = [go.Scatter(x = df["time"],
y = df["temp"],
text = textlist,
hoverinfo = "text",
marker = dict(color = "green"),
showlegend = False)]
#Using plotly in offline mode
#Save plot in directory where your script located without open in browser
plotly.offline.plot({"data": data, "layout": go.Layout(title=title)},
auto_open=False, filename = str(title) + ".html")
Time on Xaxis, temperature on Yaxis and when you hover onto any of points in graph, you will see something like "100, 4 AM, Water"
Answered By - Dmitriy Kisil
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