I have a timeseries data timeseries.txt
. First I select a index value (here 50) and put a red line mark on that selected index value. And I want to highlight portion before(idx-20) and after(idx+20) the red line index value on the timeseries.
I wrote this code however i am able to put the red line mark on the timeseries but while using fill_betweenx
it doesnot work. I hope experts may help me overcoming this problem.Thanks.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
idx = [50]
mark = [time[i] for i in idx]
plt.plot(idx,[input_data[i] for i in mark], marker="|",color='red',markerfacecolor='none',mew=0.4,ms=30,alpha=2.0)
plt.fill_betweenx(idx-20,idx+20 alpha=0.25,color='lightsteelblue')
If you are looking for just a semi-transparent rectangle, you can use patches.Rectangle
to draw one. Refer here. I have updated your code to add a rectangle. See if this meets your requirement. I have used a sine wave as I didn't have your data.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
## Create sine wave
x = np.arange(100)
idx = [50]
mark = [time[i] for i in idx]
plt.plot(idx,[input_data[i] for i in mark], marker="|", color='red', markerfacecolor='none', mew=0.4,ms=30,alpha=2.0)
#plt.fill_betweenx(mark,idx-20,0, alpha=0.25,color='lightsteelblue')
# Create a Rectangle patch
import matplotlib.patches as patches
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
plt.gca().add_patch(Rectangle((idx[0]-20, -0.15), 40, .3, facecolor = 'lightsteelblue',fill=True,alpha=0.25, lw=0))
EDIT Please refer to the Rectangle documentation provided earlier in the response. You will need to adjust the start coordinates (x,y) and the height and width to see how big/small you need the Rectangle. For eg: changing the rectangle code like this...
plt.gca().add_patch(Rectangle((idx[0]-10, -0.40), 20, 0.8, facecolor = 'lightsteelblue',fill=True,alpha=0.25, lw=0))
will give you this plot.
Answered By - Redox
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