I have the following code:
# Make plot of channels with gaps
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=len(gap_list), ncols=1, figsize=(12,len(gap_list)), sharex=True, squeeze=False)
for ch in gap_list:
i = gap_list.index(ch)
resample_s = 4*ch_gap[ch]['rec_rate']
ylabel = ch + ' (' + ch_gap[ch]['board'] +') - '+ ch_gap[ch]['unit']
data = df[ch].resample(f'{resample_s}s').mean()
is_nan = data.isnull()
ax[i].fill_between(data.index, 0, (is_nan*data.max()), color='r', step='mid', linewidth='0')
ax[i].plot(data.index, data, color='b', linestyle='-', marker=',', label=ylabel)
ax[i].legend(loc='upper left')
Where gap_list is a list containing the column names from a pandas dataframe (df). The length of the list can be anywhere from 1 to 10. It works fine when nrows > 1. However when nrows == 1 i get an issue where it raises an exception:
'AxesSubplot' object is not subscriptable
So then i found the squeeze kwarg and set that to false, all good i thought but now the code raises this exception:
'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'fill_between'
So then i took a different tack and set the figure outside of the loop and put the subplot creation inside the loop:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,len(gap_list)))
The created each axis in the for loop as below:
ax = plt.subplot(len(gap_list), 1, i+1)
This works for both nrows=1 and norws > 1. However i then can't find a nice way of making all the subplots share the X axis. In the original method i could just set sharex=True for plt.subplots().
So it feels like the original method was more on the right lines, but with a missing ingredient to get the nrows=1 case handled better.
I think it would be most straightforward to keep your original code but just check if ax
is a numpy array.
When nrows > 1
, ax
will be a numpy array of matplotlib axes, so index into ax
. When nrows == 1
, ax
will just be the matplotlib axes, so use it directly.
import numpy as np
for ch in gap_list:
# if `ax` is a numpy array then index it, else just use `ax`
ax_i = ax[i] if isinstance(ax, np.ndarray) else ax
# now just use the `ax_i` handle
ax_i.fill_between(data.index, 0, (is_nan*data.max()), color='r', step='mid', linewidth='0')
ax_i.plot(data.index, data, color='b', linestyle='-', marker=',', label=ylabel)
ax_i.legend(loc='upper left')
Answered By - tdy
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