I have a simple async setup which includes two coroutines: light_job and heavy_job. light_job halts in the middle and heavy_job starts. I want heavy_job to yield the control in the middle and allow light_job to finish but asyncio.sleep(0) is not working as I expect.
this is the setup:
import asyncio
import time
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
async def light_job():
print("hello ")
await asyncio.sleep(1)
async def heavy_job():
print("heavy start")
print("heavy halt started")
await asyncio.sleep(0)
print("heavy halt ended")
print("heavy done")
if I run this code, the light_job will not continue until after heavy_job is done. this is the outpu:
haevy start
heavy halt started
heavy halt ended
heavy done
but if I change asyncio.sleep(0) to asyncio.sleep(0.0001), the code will work as expected:
heavy start
heavy halt started
heavy halt ended
heavy done
based on documentations and related threads, I expect asyncio.sleep(0) to work exactly as asyncio.sleep(0.0001). what is off here?
I think this subject needs some more discussion. I intend this post as an appendix to Daniel T's excellent and very clever answer - that's a fine piece of work. But Dan Getz's comment made me think that some more detail would be helpful.
Dan suggests that there is no general way to yield to another task. This is correct because there is no guarantee that any other Task is ready to run, nor is there any guarantee of the execution order of the various Tasks. The example program fails to meet expectations because of details in the event loop implementation, which I discuss below.
There are, however, tools for unambiguously synchronizing work between different Tasks. It's probably a bad idea to rely on time intervals in asyncio.sleep()
for this purpose. Consider the following program, which uses an asyncio.Event
to force light_job() to finish before heavy_job() can enter its second time.sleep delay. This will always work because the program logic is explicit:
import asyncio
import time
event = asyncio.Event()
async def light_job():
print("hello ")
await asyncio.sleep(1)
async def heavy_job():
print("heavy start")
print("heavy halt started")
# await asyncio.sleep(0)
await event.wait()
print("heavy halt ended")
print("heavy done")
async def main():
await asyncio.gather(light_job(), heavy_job())
Even simpler is this approach, which avoids the use of Event and even of gather:
import asyncio
import time
async def light_job():
print("hello ")
await asyncio.sleep(1)
async def heavy_job():
light = asyncio.create_task(light_job())
print("heavy start")
print("heavy halt started")
# await asyncio.sleep(0)
await light
print("heavy halt ended")
print("heavy done")
async def main():
await heavy_job()
As for why the original script failed, the explanation can be found in the event loop implementation. An event loop keeps track of two things: a list of "ready" items, representing Tasks that are able to execute right now; and a list of "scheduled" items, representing Tasks that are waiting for some time interval to expire.
Every time the event loop goes through a cycle, its first step is to examine the list of scheduled items and see if any are ready to proceed. It appends any of those items to the "ready" list. Then it executes this simple loop to run all the ready Tasks (I have omitted some diagnostic code; this is from Python3.10 standard library module Here, _ready
is a deque. The items in the queue all have a run
method that causes the Task to take one step forward, or in other words, to resume the Task at the point where it previously was suspended (typically an await expression).
ntodo = len(self._ready)
for i in range(ntodo):
handle = self._ready.popleft()
if handle._cancelled:
It's also the case that await asyncio.sleep(0)
is implemented differently from await asyncio.sleep(x) where x > 0. In the first case, the await expression yields a value of None. The Task object simply appends an item to the "ready" list. In the second case, the await expression executes a loop.call_later
function call, which creates a Future. The Task object appends an item to the "scheduled" list. Here is the implementation of asyncio.sleep
def __sleep0():
"""Skip one event loop run cycle.
This is a private helper for 'asyncio.sleep()', used
when the 'delay' is set to 0. It uses a bare 'yield'
expression (which Task.__step knows how to handle)
instead of creating a Future object.
async def sleep(delay, result=None):
"""Coroutine that completes after a given time (in seconds)."""
if delay <= 0:
await __sleep0()
return result
loop = events.get_running_loop()
future = loop.create_future()
h = loop.call_later(delay,
future, result)
return await future
So in the example script in the original post, the Task test
will start with two items in its "ready" list: [light_job, heavy_job]. The scheduled list is empty. Light_job starts and hits await asyncio.sleep(1), so an item is appended to the "scheduled" list that represents this time delay. Now heavy_job runs for three seconds and hits await asyncio.sleep(0), so an item is appended to the "ready" list which indicates that this Task is to proceed without delay. That's the end of one full cycle of the event loop. The cycle ends even though the ready list isn't empty at that point, because the await with a zero delay caused heavy_job to be appended to the ready list immediately.
In the next cycle of the event loop, the ready list has one item, which was placed there on the previous cycle: [heavy_job]. The scheduled list also has one item: [light_job]. The event loop examines the scheduled list and sees that light_job is now ready, so it appends light_job to ready_list, which now looks like this: [heavy_job, light_job]. So the code logic has essentially caused the order of the Tasks to get switched. Result: heavy_job runs twice in a row, once at the end of the first cycle and once at the beginning of the second.
This also explains what happened when you replaced await asyncio.sleep(0)
with await asyncio.sleep(0.0001)
. In that case, the Task got appended to the scheduled list rather than the ready list. Then ready=[] and scheduled=[light_job, heavy_job]. On the next cycle of the loop both Tasks are ready, but the order will once again be [light_job, heavy_job].
This machinery is invisible to client code, as it should be, but it has a weird consequence in this particular script. Whether or not this should be called a "bug" is a matter of debate. I assume there are good performance reasons why asyncio.sleep(0) is implemented differently from asyncio.sleep(nonzero).
Answered By - Paul Cornelius
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