I'm trying to get a description and email from each of Google searches, but it returns only titles and links. I'm using Selenium to open pages and bs4 to scrape the actual content.
What am I doing wrong? Please help. Thanks!
soup = BeautifulSoup(driver.page_source,'lxml')
result_div = soup.find_all('div', attrs={'class': 'g'})
links = []
titles = []
descriptions = []
emails = []
phones = []
for r in result_div:
# Checks if each element is present, else, raise exception
# link
link = r.find('a', href=True)
# title
title = None
title = r.find('h3')
if isinstance(title,Tag):
title = title.get_text()
# desc
description = None
description = r.find('div', attrs={'class': 'IsZvec'})
#description = r.find('span')
if isinstance(description, Tag):
description = description.get_text()
# email
email = r.find(text=re.compile(r'[A-Za-z0-9\.\+_-]+@[A-Za-z0-9\._-]+\.[a-zA-Z]*'))
Main issue here is that the class names are dynamic, so you have to change your strategy and select your elements by tag
or id
data = []
for e in'div:has(> div > a h3)'):
'email' if (m:='[\w.+-]+@[\w-]+\.[\w.-]+', e.parent.text)) else None
[{'title': 'Email design at Stack Overflow',
'url': '',
'desc': 'An email design system that helps us work together to create consistently-designed, properly-rendered email for all Stack Overflow users.',
'email': None},
{'title': 'Is email from [email protected] legit? - Meta ...',
'url': '',
'desc': '23.11.2016 · 1\xa0AntwortYes it is legit. We use it to protect user cookies from third parties. The links in the email are all rewritten to a\xa0...',
'email': '[email protected]'},
{'title': "Newest 'email' Questions - Stack Overflow",
'url': '',
'desc': 'Use this tag for questions involving code to send or receive email messages. Posting to ask why the emails you send are marked as spam is off-topic for Stack\xa0...',
'email': None},
{'title': 'Contact information - contact us today - Stack Overflow',
'url': '',
'desc': "A private, secure home for your team's questions and answers. Perfect for teams of 10-500 members. No more digging through stale wikis and lost emails—give your\xa0...",
'email': None},
{'title': 'How can I get the email of a stackoverflow user? - Meta Stack ...',
'url': '',
'desc': '18.09.2010 · 1\xa0AntwortYou can\'t. Read your own profile. The e-mail box says "never displayed". The closest we have to private messaging is commenting as a reply\xa0...',
'email': None},...]
Answered By - HedgeHog
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