I'm creating a table in matplotlib, but the table headers are long strings, and the table values are numbers with only a few digits. This leaves me with two bad options: either my table is much wider than necessary, or my headers overlap. To fix this, I'd like to rotate the table headings (possibly up to 90 degrees). In other words, I want to do this in python
Here's my simplified code right now:
import matplotlib, numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
data=numpy.array([[1, 2],[3,4]])
headings=['long heading 1', 'long heading 2']
ax=fig.add_subplot(111, frameon=False, xticks=[], yticks=[])
the_table = plt.table(cellText=data, rowLabels=headings, colLabels=headings, colWidths=[0.3]*data.shape[1], loc='center') #0.3 for second image, 0.03 for first
#the_table.auto_set_font_size(False) #comment out for second image
#the_table.set_fontsize(10) #comment out for second image
the_table.scale(1, 1.6)
This produces either the squished image, or the super-wide image (both shown below). In my actual code, the table is ~30 x 30, so the cells can't be very wide. Does anybody know how to rotate the column titles to fix this spacing issue?
I figured it out. It's not pretty, but it works. I added two annotations for each column - the text, and a line to separate it from the next column header. I had to define some parameters that apply to the table and the fancy labels (width, height, col_width), and some parameters to make the fancy labels line up correctly. This solution worked fine on my 30x30 table.
import matplotlib, numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
data=numpy.array([[1, 2,5],[3,4,7],[7,9,5]])
headings=['long heading 1', 'long heading 2', 'longish 3']
ax=fig.add_subplot(111, frameon=False, xticks=[], yticks=[])
the_table = plt.table(cellText=data, rowLabels=headings,
colWidths=[col_width]*data.shape[1], loc='center') #remove colLabels
the_table.scale(1, 1.6)
#custom heading titles - new portion
hoffset=0.42 #find this number from trial and error
voffset=0.66 #find this number from trial and error
line_fac=0.98 #controls the length of the dividing line
for string in headings:
ax.annotate(' '+string, xy=(hoffset+count*col_width,voffset),
xycoords='axes fraction', ha='left', va='bottom',
rotation=45, size=10)
#add a dividing line
ax.annotate('', xy=(hoffset+(count+0.5)*col_width,voffset),
xycoords='axes fraction', arrowprops={'arrowstyle':'-'})
Answered By - Jeff
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