I'm currently trying to do an iou analysis for a 3d image in different time points. These images contain around 1500 objects (cells) with an unique id in an around 2000x2000x2000 image.
I found logical_and and logical_or functions of numpy which take one variable at a time from each image so I made a very basic double for loop, to feed every combination of every value into the iou analysis. The code looks like this:
for i in [x for x in image_1_ids if x != 0]:
for j in [y for y in image_2_ids if y != 0]:
intersection = np.logical_and(image_1 == i, image_2 == j)
union = np.logical_or(image_1 == i, image_2 == j)
iou = np.sum(intersection) / np.sum(union)[i, j] = iou
This code takes forever to run due to the many variable feed one at a time. Which makes it a combination of basically 1500x1500. Is there a more efficient way in doing this in numpy?
A faster algorithm is possible by:
- Exploiting (more) the fact that object ids can be used as indices
- Calculating the unionij basically as counti + countj - intersectionij
The algorithm basically works like this:
n_1 = np.max(image_1) + 1
n_2 = np.max(image_2) + 1
counts_1 = np.zeros(n_1, int)
counts_2 = np.zeros(n_2, int)
intersection = np.zeros((n_1, n_2), int)
for i, j in zip(image_1.flat, image_2.flat):
counts_1[i] += 1
counts_2[j] += 1
intersection[i, j] += 1
union = counts_1[:, np.newaxis] + counts_2 - intersection
iou = intersection / union
When we understand how that works it's time to look at some improvements:
- Get the counts without a for-loop
- Avoid divide-by-zero (in case object ids are not consecutive)
- Correct the result where the images contain zero
In code:
counts_1 = np.bincount(image_1.ravel('K'))
counts_2 = np.bincount(image_2.ravel('K'))
shape = (len(counts_1), len(counts_2))
linear_ids = np.ravel_multi_index((image_1, image_2), shape)
intersection = np.bincount(linear_ids.ravel(), minlength=np.product(shape))
intersection = intersection.reshape(shape)
union = counts_1[:, np.newaxis] + counts_2 - intersection
iou = np.zeros(shape, float)
np.divide(intersection, union, out=iou, where=(union != 0))
iou[0, :] = iou[:, 0] = 0
This doesn't take into account image_1_ids
and image_2_ids
It's a bit unclear what needs to happen here, but with the result from above you can probably do something like this:
iou = iou[image_1_ids[:, np.newaxis], image_2_ids]
Answered By - user7138814
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