I am using to produce a figure with 3 subplots. The legend repeats for each subplot, so I have 3 legend listings (one for each subplot) for each item. All operate together when I click them to turn off/turn on (which is fine, no need for independent operation).
Is there a way to reduce this to 1 legend listing per item? The legend is variable as it is a file name, so I can't use fixed legend title.
The 'Ambient' part can be ignored for the purpose of this question.
fig = make_subplots(rows=1, cols=3,
column_titles=['Velocity m/s', 'Temperature C',
'Salinity '],
row_titles=['Depth m', 'Depth m'],
fig1 = px.line(dfs, x='Sound Velocity', y='Depth',
fig2 = px.line(dfs, x='Temperature', y='Depth',
fig3 = px.line(dfs, x='Salinity', y='Depth',
dips = dfs['File'].nunique() # Count number of different files
for dip in range(dips):
fig.add_trace(fig1['data'][dip], row=1, col=1)
for dip in range(dips):
fig.add_trace(fig2['data'][dip], row=1, col=2)
for dip in range(dips):
fig.add_trace(fig3['data'][dip], row=1, col=3)
fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(y=[z_min, z_max], x=[rv_min, v_max],
line=dict(color='#D7CECE', width=2,
dash='dash'), name="Ambient"))
Excerpt from the Dataframe crossing two files (SVP-3 & SVP-4).
Date/Time Depth Sound Velocity Pressure Temperature Conductivity Salinity Density File
1377 22/10/2023 05:17 -2.719 1545.445 2.719 29.25 59.854 36.58 1023.179 SVP-3@YOTI 2-DEL.txt
1378 22/10/2023 05:17 -2.092 1545.432 2.092 29.248 59.854 36.582 1023.178 SVP-3@YOTI 2-DEL.txt
1379 22/10/2023 05:17 -1.592 1545.418 1.592 29.248 59.852 36.581 1023.175 SVP-3@YOTI 2-DEL.txt
1380 22/10/2023 05:17 -1.178 1545.41 1.178 29.247 59.848 36.579 1023.172 SVP-3@YOTI 2-DEL.txt
1381 22/10/2023 05:17 -0.691 1545.408 0.691 29.246 59.854 36.584 1023.174 SVP-3@YOTI 2-DEL.txt
1382 22/10/2023 05:17 -0.171 1545.415 0.171 29.247 59.844 36.576 1023.166 SVP-3@YOTI 2-DEL.txt
1383 24/10/2023 15:59 -1.39 1543.341 1.39 29.397 56.71 34.315 1021.423 SVP-4@YOTI 2-DEL.txt
1384 24/10/2023 15:59 -1.585 1543.34 1.585 29.397 56.708 34.314 1021.423 SVP-4@YOTI 2-DEL.txt
1385 24/10/2023 15:59 -2.261 1543.356 2.261 29.395 56.704 34.312 1021.425 SVP-4@YOTI 2-DEL.txt
1386 24/10/2023 15:59 -2.788 1543.38 2.788 29.396 56.71 34.315 1021.429 SVP-4@YOTI 2-DEL.txt
1387 24/10/2023 15:59 -3.173 1543.383 3.173 29.396 56.712 34.317 1021.432 SVP-4@YOTI 2-DEL.txt
1388 24/10/2023 15:59 -3.591 1543.373 3.591 29.395 56.71 34.316 1021.434 SVP-4@YOTI 2-DEL.txt
1389 24/10/2023 15:59 -4.095 1543.358 4.095 29.39 56.706 34.316 1021.438 SVP-4@YOTI 2-DEL.txt
1390 24/10/2023 16:00 -4.654 1543.339 4.654 29.382 56.696 34.315 1021.442 SVP-4@YOTI 2-DEL.txt
1391 24/10/2023 16:00 -5.362 1543.197 5.362 29.35 56.64 34.3 1021.444 SVP-4@YOTI 2-DEL.txt
Problem solved, thanks to the answer from #EricLavault. Updated graphic exactly as required. Much neater code, used exactly as given, including reduced trace_groupgap suggestion.
There is one trace per color
(file) in each subplot and all traces have showlegend=True
set by default. Since the color
in each subplot refers to the same set of files (and because there is no need to toggle the visibility of individual items in the same subplot), the idea would be to set showlegend=True
only once for a given file.
For example (with a bit of refactoring, leveraging go.Figure.add_traces()
) :
fig = make_subplots(rows=1, cols=3,
column_titles=['Velocity m/s', 'Temperature C',
'Salinity '],
row_titles=['Depth m', 'Depth m'],
for i, column in enumerate(['Sound Velocity', 'Temperature', 'Salinity']):
_fig = px.line(dfs, x=column, y='Depth', color='File')
_fig.update_traces(showlegend= i == 0)
fig.add_traces(_fig['data'], rows=1, cols=i+1)
The legend will end up with one item per group, you might want to decrease its tracegroupgap
fig.update_layout(template="plotly_dark", legend_tracegroupgap=1)
Answered By - EricLavault
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