I'm working on a project where my end goal is for the two orbiting stars to collide; I have some code from my class that I've been utilizing, and while I was successful in getting two objects to orbit one another/orbit the same point, I can't get the radius of the orbit to decrease over time. I'm attempting to add a drag force, but this ejects my stars from their orbits.
G = 6.67e-11 #Actual gravitational constant
dt = 1e-3
mS = 1e6
mp1 = 1e5
mp2 = 1e5
x1 = 1 #starting x position
y1 = 0 #starting y position
x2 = -1
y2 = 0
vx = 0 #starting x-velocity
vy = 2 #starting y-velocity
for param in ['figure.facecolor', 'axes.facecolor', 'savefig.facecolor']:
plt.rcParams[param] = 'black'
timestep = 500 #timestep for video
xlist1 = [x1] #x-position of BH 1
ylist1 = [y1] #y-position of BH 1
xlist2 = [x2] #x-position of BH 2
ylist2 = [y2] #y-position of BH 2
vxlist1 = [vx]
vylist1 = [vy]
vxlist2 = [vx]
vylist2 = [vy]
n = 10"cyberpunk")
for param in ['figure.facecolor', 'axes.facecolor', 'savefig.facecolor']:
plt.rcParams[param] = 'black'
tail_length = 100
for t in range(1, timestep+1):
for _ in range(n):
r21 = x1**2 + y1**2
x1 = xlist1[-1] + vxlist1[-1] * dt #updates x by taking the final value in the xlist array and adding the final value in the velocity (x direction) array multiplied by our time step
y1 = ylist1[-1] + vylist1[-1] * dt
vx = vxlist1[-1] - (G*mS*mp1*xlist1[-1]/r21**1.5 + drag force) * dt #gravitational force GM1M2/r^2
vy = vylist1[-1] - (G*mS*mp1*ylist1[-1]/r21**1.5 + drag force) * dt #update velocity by taking the final value in the vy array and subtracting the gravitational force at the final location logged in the y position array
r22 = x2**2 + y2**2
x2 = xlist2[-1] + vxlist2[-1] * dt #updates x by taking the final value in the xlist array and adding the final value in the velocity (x direction) array multiplied by our time step
y2 = ylist2[-1] + vylist2[-1] * dt
vx = vxlist2[-1] - (G*mS*mp2*xlist2[-1]/r22**1.5 + drage force) * dt #gravitational force GM1M2/r^2
vy = vylist2[-1] - (G*mS*mp2*ylist2[-1]/r22**1.5 + drag force) * dt #update velocity by taking the final value in the vy array and subtracting the gravitational force at the final location logged in the y position array
With this, I've changed velocity, increased and decreased the gravitational constant, and manually tried to decrease the x and y positions by subtracting 0.0001 from each value of the x and y array. At this point, I'm somewhat out of ideas and starting from scratch isn't really an option, so any and all help is very much appreciated :)
If you want the two objects to spiral inward and eventually collide, you need to reduce their orbital radius over time.
In your current implementation, you have the line r21 = x1**2 + y1**2
This calculates distance between two objects (BH 1 and BH 2). However, you are not updating the orbital radius in each iteration. To make the objects spiral inward, you need modify the update equations for the positions and velocities to take into account the changing orbital radius. Example:
for t in range(1, timestep+1):
for _ in range(n):
r21 = np.sqrt(x1**2 + y1**2)
x1 = xlist1[-1] + vxlist1[-1] * dt
y1 = ylist1[-1] + vylist1[-1] * dt
vx = vxlist1[-1] - G * mS * mp1 * x1 / r21**3 * dt
vy = vylist1[-1] - G * mS * mp1 * y1 / r21**3 * dt
r22 = np.sqrt(x2**2 + y2**2)
x2 = xlist2[-1] + vxlist2[-1] * dt
y2 = ylist2[-1] + vylist2[-1] * dt
vx = vxlist2[-1] - G * mS * mp2 * x2 / r22**3 * dt
vy = vylist2[-1] - G * mS * mp2 * y2 / r22**3 * dt
Answered By - pyjedy
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