Here is my script:
for a in range(-100, 101):
for b in range(-100, 101):
for c in range(-100, 101):
for d in range(-100, 101):
if abs(2**a*3**b*5**c*7**d-0.3048) <= 10**(-6):
print('a=',a, ', b=', b, ', c=', c,', d=', d,', the number=', 2**a*3**b*5**c*7**d, ', error=', abs(2**a*3**b*5**c*7**d-.3048))
It took 27 mins and 15 seconds to execute the above script in python. I know that it goes through 201^4 expression evaluations, but I need to run these kinds of calculations faster (because I want to try range(-200,201)
and so on).
I'm wondering if it is possible to make the above code execute faster. I think using numpy
arrays would help, but not sure how to apply this, and whether it is actually effective.
For these kind of computations you can try numba
from numba import njit
def fn():
for a in range(-100, 101):
for b in range(-100, 101):
for c in range(-100, 101):
for d in range(-100, 101):
n = (2.0**a) * (3.0**b) * (5.0**c) * (7.0**d)
v = n - 0.3048
if abs(v) <= 1e-06:
", b=",
", c=",
", d=",
", the number=",
", error=",
abs(n - 3.048),
Running this code on my machine (AMD 5700X) takes ~57 seconds (that's with compilation step included). In comparison, without the @njit
(just plain Python) this takes exactly 4 minutes.
a= -78 , b= -89 , c= -14 , d= 89 , the number= 0.3047994427888104 , error= 2.7432005572111895
a= -78 , b= -57 , c= 50 , d= 18 , the number= 0.30479915330101043 , error= 2.7432008466989894
a= -69 , b= -85 , c= 87 , d= 0 , the number= 0.3047993420932106 , error= 2.7432006579067894
a= -63 , b= 42 , c= -99 , d= 80 , the number= 0.3048005478488736 , error= 2.7431994521511265
a= -63 , b= 74 , c= -35 , d= 9 , the number= 0.3048002583600241 , error= 2.743199741639976
a= -54 , b= 14 , c= -62 , d= 62 , the number= 0.3048007366419375 , error= 2.7431992633580626
a= -54 , b= 46 , c= 2 , d= -9 , the number= 0.30480044715290866 , error= 2.7431995528470914
a= -54 , b= 78 , c= 66 , d= -80 , the number= 0.3048001576641548 , error= 2.7431998423358452
a= -45 , b= -14 , c= -25 , d= 44 , the number= 0.30480092543511833 , error= 2.7431990745648815
a= -45 , b= 18 , c= 39 , d= -27 , the number= 0.3048006359459102 , error= 2.7431993640540897
a= -36 , b= -10 , c= 76 , d= -45 , the number= 0.30480082473902875 , error= 2.7431991752609712
a= 5 , b= -44 , c= -72 , d= 82 , the number= 0.30479914163960603 , error= 2.743200858360394
a= 14 , b= -72 , c= -35 , d= 64 , the number= 0.304799330431799 , error= 2.743200669568201
a= 14 , b= -40 , c= 29 , d= -7 , the number= 0.3047990409441057 , error= 2.743200959055894
a= 23 , b= -100 , c= 2 , d= 46 , the number= 0.30479951922410875 , error= 2.7432004807758914
a= 23 , b= -68 , c= 66 , d= -25 , the number= 0.30479922973623635 , error= 2.7432007702637637
a= 29 , b= 91 , c= -56 , d= -16 , the number= 0.30480014600271205 , error= 2.743199853997288
a= 38 , b= 31 , c= -83 , d= 37 , the number= 0.30480062428444915 , error= 2.743199375715551
a= 38 , b= 63 , c= -19 , d= -34 , the number= 0.30480033479552704 , error= 2.743199665204473
a= 47 , b= 3 , c= -46 , d= 19 , the number= 0.30480081307756046 , error= 2.7431991869224395
a= 47 , b= 35 , c= 18 , d= -52 , the number= 0.30480052358845894 , error= 2.743199476411541
a= 56 , b= 7 , c= 55 , d= -70 , the number= 0.3048007123815079 , error= 2.7431992876184923
a= 65 , b= -21 , c= 92 , d= -88 , the number= 0.3048009011746738 , error= 2.7431990988253263
a= 97 , b= -27 , c= -93 , d= 57 , the number= 0.3047990292827057 , error= 2.7432009707172944
real 0m57,939s
user 0m0,009s
sys 0m0,009s
Looking at your code, you can use parallel range
) to speed up things even further:
from numba import njit, prange
def fn():
for a in prange(-100, 101):
i_a = 2.0**a
for b in prange(-100, 101):
i_b = i_a * 3.0**b
for c in prange(-100, 101):
i_c = i_b * 5.0**c
for d in prange(-100, 101):
n = i_c * (7.0**d)
v = n - 0.3048
if abs(v) <= 1e-06:
", b=",
", c=",
", d=",
", the number=",
", error=",
abs(n - 3.048),
Takes on my 8C/16T machine just ~2.7 seconds.
@EDIT: Added storing intermediate results. Thanks @yotheguitou
Answered By - Andrej Kesely
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