Thanks for user Eduard Ilyasov help me few days ago
Now i got some result, but i hardly understood these
I was trying to calculate the trend of temperature from 1979 to 2016.
#calculate trend
nmon = nyr * 12
tdum = MA.arange(0,nmon)
ntimes, ny, nx = tempF.shape
#ntimes is time, ny is latitude, nx is longitude
print tempF.shape
trend = MA.zeros((ny,nx), dtype='2f')
#trend = MA.zeros((ny,nx),dtype=float)
print trend.shape
for y in range (0,ny):
for x in range (0,nx):
trend[y,x]= numpy.polyfit(tdum, tempF[:,y,x],1)
print trend.shape
print trend
these are Results:
(456, 241, 480)
(241, 480, 2)
(241, 480, 2)
[[[ 0.00854342 -1.94362879]
[ 0.00854342 -1.94362879]
[ 0.00854342 -1.94362879]
[ 0.00854342 -1.94362879]
[ 0.00854342 -1.94362879]
[ 0.00854342 -1.94362879]]
[[ 0.00824162 -1.87496781]
[ 0.00824792 -1.87640166]
[ 0.00825524 -1.87806702]
[ 0.00822667 -1.87156749]
[ 0.00823172 -1.87271607]
[ 0.0082366 -1.87382615]]
[[ 0.00767854 -1.7468679 ]
[ 0.00769076 -1.74964726]
[ 0.00770384 -1.75262356]
[ 0.00764879 -1.74010038]
[ 0.00765911 -1.74244869]
[ 0.00766829 -1.74453557]]
[[-0.0025295 0.57546186]
[-0.00252633 0.57474071]
[-0.00252274 0.57392275]
[-0.00253488 0.57668549]
[-0.00253269 0.57618785]
[-0.00253125 0.57585901]]
[[-0.00315533 0.71783835]
[-0.00315261 0.71721852]
[-0.00314936 0.71648043]
[-0.00315671 0.71815109]
[-0.00315621 0.71803892]
[-0.00315584 0.71795386]]
[[-0.00309109 0.7032221 ]
[-0.00309109 0.7032221 ]
[-0.00309109 0.7032221 ]
[-0.00309109 0.7032221 ]
[-0.00309109 0.7032221 ]
[-0.00309109 0.7032221 ]]]
What i understood that the second value in every brackets should be the coefficients which the value of trend, but i don't understand the shape of trend. What is the meaning of first number in every[], and what is the value of trend that i should use to plot the trend map?
If you read the documentation for numpy.polyfit()
further you will see the definition of this function
The solution minimizes the squared error
E = \sum_{j=0}^k |p(x_j) - y_j|^2
in the equations:
x[0]**n * p[0] + ... + x[0] * p[n-1] + p[n] = y[0] x[1]**n * p[0] + ... + x[1] * p[n-1] + p[n] = y[1] ... x[k]**n * p[0] + ... + x[k] * p[n-1] + p[n] = y[k]
For your case where the trend is linear that means that trend[y,x,0]
is the value of trend (also called the slope) and trend[y,x,1]
is the intercept.
For an illustration consider the following example:
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
N = 10
# create repeatable data
# random x test points
xs = np.random.random(N)
# random y test points
ys = np.random.random(N)
# fit the model to a given degree, 1 in this case
trend = np.polyfit(xs, ys, 1)
# plot the scatter points
plt.plot(xs, ys, 'o')
# calculate the trendline
trendpoly = np.poly1d(trend)
# plot the trend line
plt.plot(xs, trendpoly(xs))
Answered By - Dima Chubarov
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