Can someone provide a toy example of how to compute IoU (intersection over union) for semantic segmentation in pytorch?
I found this somewhere and adapted it for me. I'll post the link if I can find it again. Sorry in case this was a dublicate.
The key function here is the function called iou
. The wrapping function evaluate_performance
is not universal, but it shows that one needs to iterate over all results before computing IoU
import torch
import pandas as pd # For filelist reading
import myPytorchDatasetClass # Custom dataset class, inherited from
def iou(pred, target, n_classes = 12):
ious = []
pred = pred.view(-1)
target = target.view(-1)
# Ignore IoU for background class ("0")
for cls in xrange(1, n_classes): # This goes from 1:n_classes-1 -> class "0" is ignored
pred_inds = pred == cls
target_inds = target == cls
intersection = (pred_inds[target_inds]).long().sum().data.cpu()[0] # Cast to long to prevent overflows
union = pred_inds.long().sum().data.cpu()[0] + target_inds.long().sum().data.cpu()[0] - intersection
if union == 0:
ious.append(float('nan')) # If there is no ground truth, do not include in evaluation
ious.append(float(intersection) / float(max(union, 1)))
return np.array(ious)
def evaluate_performance(net):
# Dataloader for test data
batch_size = 1
filelist_name_test = '/path/to/my/test/filelist.txt'
data_root_test = '/path/to/my/data/'
dset_test = myPytorchDatasetClass.CustomDataset(filelist_name_test, data_root_test)
test_loader =,
data_info = pd.read_csv(filelist_name_test, header=None)
num_test_files = data_info.shape[0]
sample_size = num_test_files
# Containers for results
preds = Variable(torch.zeros((sample_size, 60, 36, 60)))
gts = Variable(torch.zeros((sample_size, 60, 36, 60)))
dataiter = iter(test_loader)
for i in xrange(sample_size):
images, labels, filename =
images = Variable(images).cuda()
labels = Variable(labels)
gts[i:i+batch_size, :, :, :] = labels
outputs = net(images)
outputs = outputs.permute(0, 2, 3, 4, 1).contiguous()
val, pred = torch.max(outputs, 4)
preds[i:i+batch_size, :, :, :] = pred.cpu()
acc = iou(preds, gts)
return acc
Answered By - mcExchange
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