I solved numerically, in Python, the general (nonlinear) pengulum using 4th-order Runge-Kutta method previously. And here is a question related to this, Attempt to solve the nonlinear pendulum 2nd order differential equation using 4th order Runge-Kutta method, not getting expected result, it contains details about the code and processes.
I have also tried to solve a 'spin' system, made of three simultaneous differential equations, using the same method. And it was also successful.
But, both of these questions dealt with a single particle.
Now what if I have is a number of particles. So I need to solve the same differential equations for each of the particles (no interactions). Maybe I can try it by writing the same steps for all the particles, but that's cumbursome. Also, in that case I can't change the particle number as may be required, I have to rewrite the whole thing.
I am not that familier with NumPy, also I can't wait to learn it in detail first.
Let's say for the single particle/oscillator, we have the following functions:
def f1(t,x,y): return y
def f2(t,x,y): return -k*sin(x)
Then there is the initial values:
k=1.0 #parameter
t,x,y=0,8.0*pi/9.0,0 #initial values (t: second, x: radian, y: radian/second)
h=0.01 #increment in t
And the RK4 loop:
T,X,Y=[t],[x],[y] #lists to store data
# Loop:
for i in range(2000):
x=x+(1/6)*(a1+2*a2+2*a3+a4) # apprx. value of x1 for t+h
y=y+(1/6)*(b1+2*b2+2*b3+b4) # apprx. value of y1 for t+h
t=t+h # current value of independent variable t
Now what to do if, let's say, we have two particles/oscillator in an 1D array, or, say, 2x2=4 oscillators in a 2D array?
How can we achive our task by using elementary numpy techniques?
I thought of something as follows:
def f1(t,x[i][j],y[i][j]): return y[i][j]
def f2(t,x[i][j],y[i][j]): return -k*sin(x[i][j])
k=1.0 #parameter
t,x[i][j],y[i][j]=0,8.0*pi/9.0,0 #initial values (t: second, x: radian, y: radian/second)
h=0.01 #increment in t
But several errors are being shown, and I know I am missing a lot of stuff.
That's why I can't proceed to the loop part at all.
What things need to be added?
Rather than dealing with multi-dimensional arrays, you can use a single 1d numpy array of size 2N (where N is the number of oscillators).
Here you store POSITIONS in y[0], y[2], y[4], ...
and velocities in y[1], y[3], y[5], ...
This has the advantage that you can keep the same fully-vectorised Runge-Kutta routine.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
# 4th-order explicit Runge-Kutta
def rk4( x, y, dx, f ):
dy1 = dx * f( x , y )
dy2 = dx * f( x + 0.5 * dx, y + 0.5 * dy1 )
dy3 = dx * f( x + 0.5 * dx, y + 0.5 * dy2 )
dy4 = dx * f( x + dx, y + dy3 )
return x + dx, y + ( dy1 + 2.0 * dy2 + 2.0 * dy3 + dy4 ) / 6.0
# Equation parameters
N = 3 # number of systems
k = np.array ( [ 1.0, 4.0, 9.0 ] ) # stiffnesses
m = np.array ( [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ] ) # masses
x0 = np.array( [ 0.5, 0.6, 0.7 ] ) # initial displacements
v0 = np.array( [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ] ) # initial velocities
# Derivative function (outputs a numpy array)
def deriv( t, y ):
f = np.zeros_like( y )
f[0:2*N-1:2] = y[1:2*N: 2] # derivative of positions
f[1:2*N :2] = -k * y[0:2*N-1:2] / m # "true" harmonic oscillator; use np.sin() otherwise
return f
# Initialise
t = 0
y = np.array( [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ] )
y[0:2*N-1:2] = x0 # set positions in elements 0, 2, 4, ...
y[1:2*N :2] = v0 # set velocities in elements 1, 3, 5, ...
nt = 400
dt = 0.01
# Initialise for plotting
xvals=[[] for i in range(N)] # careful!!!
# Successive timesteps
tvals.append( t )
for i in range( N ): xvals[i].append( y[2*i] )
for i in range( nt + 1 ):
t, y = rk4( t, y, dt, deriv ) # Runge-Kutta update
tvals.append( t )
for i in range( N ): xvals[i].append( y[2*i] )
# Plot
for i in range( N ): plt.plot( tvals, xvals[i] )
Answered By - lastchance
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