I just recently made the switch from R to python and have been having some trouble getting used to data frames again as opposed to using R's data.table. The problem I've been having is that I'd like to take a list of strings, check for a value, then sum the count of that string- broken down by user. So I would like to take this data:
A_id B C
1: a1 "up" 100
2: a2 "down" 102
3: a3 "up" 100
3: a3 "up" 250
4: a4 "left" 100
5: a5 "right" 102
And return:
A_id_grouped sum_up sum_down ... over_200_up
1: a1 1 0 ... 0
2: a2 0 1 0
3: a3 2 0 ... 1
4: a4 0 0 0
5: a5 0 0 ... 0
Before I did it with the R code (using data.table)
>DT[ ,list(A_id_grouped, sum_up = sum(B == "up"),
+ sum_down = sum(B == "down"),
+ ...,
+ over_200_up = sum(up == "up" & < 200), by=list(A)];
However all of my recent attempts with Python have failed me:
DT.agg({"D": [np.sum(DT[DT["B"]=="up"]),np.sum(DT[DT["B"]=="up"])], ...
"C": np.sum(DT[(DT["B"]=="up") & (DT["C"]>200)])
Thank you in advance! it seems like a simple question however I couldn't find it anywhere.
An old question; I feel a better way, and avoiding the apply, would be to create a new dataframe, before grouping and aggregating:
df = df.set_index('A_id')
outcome = {'sum_up' : df.B.eq('up'),
'sum_down': df.B.eq('down'),
'over_200_up' : df.B.eq('up') &}
outcome = pd.DataFrame(outcome).groupby(level=0).sum()
sum_up sum_down over_200_up
a1 1 0 0
a2 0 1 0
a3 2 0 1
a4 0 0 0
a5 0 0 0
Another option would be to unstack before grouping; however, I feel it is a longer, unnecessary process:
.set_index(['A_id', 'B'], append = True)
.assign(gt_200 = lambda df:
.agg(sum_up=('up', 'count'),
sum_down =('down', 'count'),
over_200_up = ('gt_200', 'sum')
sum_up sum_down over_200_up
a1 1 0 0
a2 0 1 0
a3 2 0 1
a4 0 0 0
a5 0 0 0
Answered By - sammywemmy
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