I'm trying to get the list of files in a particular directory and count the number of files in the directory. I always get the following error:
WindowsError: [Error 3] The system cannot find the path specified: '/client_side/*.*'
My code is:
print len([name for name in os.listdir('/client_side/') if os.path.isfile(name)])
I followed the code example given here.
I am running the Python script on Pyscripter and the directory /client_side/ do exists. My python code is in the root folder and has a sub-folder called "client_side". Can someone help me out on this?
I decided to change the code into:
def numOfFiles(path):
return len(next(os.walk(path))[2])
and use the following the call the code:
print numOfFiles("client_side")
Many thanks to everyone who told me how to pass the windows directory correctly in Python and to nrao91 in here for providing the function code.
Answered By - Sakura
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