I was able to successfully scrape this website but it is not working correctly. This is the output I'm getting which is the empty dictionary. Would really appreciate if someone could confirm if its the HTML tags or deny specify. I've include an image of the terminal output here:enter image description here The desired behavior is I want to store the send a URL request to the website, then target the table which includes all asset information and scrape the names and tickers for the assets, then finally store them in a .csv file.
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from urllib.parse import urlencode
import pandas as pd
##import urllib.parse
API_KEY = '7bbcbb39-029f-4075-97bc-6b57b6e9e68b'
def get_scrapeops_url(url):
payload = {'api_key': API_KEY, 'url': url}
proxy_url = '' + urlencode(payload)
return proxy_url
r = requests.get(get_scrapeops_url(''))
response = r.text
#r = requests.get('')
#list to store scraped data
data = []
soup = BeautifulSoup(response,'html.parser')
result = soup.find('div',class_ = 'coins-table')
# parse through the website's html
name = soup.find('strong',style = 'cursor: auto;')
ticker = soup.find('span',style = 'cursor: auto;')
#Store data in a dictionary using key value pairs
d = {'name':name.text if name else None,'ticker':ticker.text if ticker else None}
#convert to a pandas df
data_df = pd.DataFrame(data)
data_df.to_csv("coins_scrape.csv", index=False)
The coin names are loaded from external URL via JavaScript. You can use requests
module to simulate it:
import requests
import pandas as pd
url = ''
headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/115.0'}
data = requests.get(url, headers=headers).json()
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
address name unit
0 e41d2489571d322189246dafa5ebde1f4699f498 0x Protocol ZRX
1 b6ed7644c69416d67b522e20bc294a9a9b405b31 0xBitcoin 0xBTC
2 111111111117dc0aa78b770fa6a738034120c302 1inch Network 1INCH
3 a4ef4b0b23c1fc81d3f9ecf93510e64f58a4a016 1MillionNFTs 1MIL
4 2c9c19ce3b15ae77c6d80aec3c1194cfd6f7f3fa 2crazyNFT 2CRZ
5 ff44b5719f0b77a9951636fc5e69d3a1fc9e7d73 4ART Coin 4ART
6 8888801af4d980682e47f1a9036e589479e835c5 88mph MPH
7 feea0bdd3d07eb6fe305938878c0cadbfa169042 8PAY 8PAY
8 7fc66500c84a76ad7e9c93437bfc5ac33e2ddae9 Aave AAVE
Answered By - Andrej Kesely
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