In my
I assign values before saving the form. I used to do it the following way: = session_results['lat']
projectForm.lng = session_results['lng']
Now, since the list of variables got a bit long, I wanted to loop over session_results
with the following loop (as described by Adam here):
for k,v in session_results.iteritems():
projectForm[k] = v
But I get the error 'Project' object does not support item assignment
for the loop solution. I have trouble to understand why. Project
is the model class, which I use for the ModelForm.
Thank you for your help!
The error seems clear: model objects do not support item assignment.
MyModel.objects.latest('id')['foo'] = 'bar'
will throw this same error.
It's a little confusing that your model instance is called projectForm
To reproduce your first block of code in a loop, you need to use setattr
for k,v in session_results.iteritems():
setattr(projectForm, k, v)
Answered By - Yuji 'Tomita' Tomita
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