I am creating a PCA plot using matplotlib Python library, I choose the color of each point according to a class value (which is 0, 1 or 2). To do so I am using the parameter called c:
plt.scatter(pca_data[:, 0], pca_data[:, 1], c=[0,1,1,0,2])
What I would like to do is add a legend linking the colour from the plot with a label, however, I cannot find how the values I give (0, 1 or 2) are converted to actual colors.
I thought about giving colors directly but I would like the process to be automated so it would work no matter the actual number of classes.
I tried using to_rgb (from matplotlib.colors)
but since the values are not between 0 and 1 it does not work and if I scale them I end up with an odd color vector (black, white, black).
Here is an example where there are 3 labels (but the method is scalable to any number):
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as cm
import matplotlib.colors as colors
pca_data = np.random.randn(100,2) #some fake data
labels = np.random.randint(low=0,high=3,size=100) #some fake class labels
cNorm = colors.Normalize(vmin=0,vmax=2) #normalise the colormap
scalarMap = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=cNorm,cmap='hot') #map numbers to colors
fig,ax = plt.subplots()
for i in np.unique(labels):
c=scalarMap.to_rgba(i),label="class {}".format(i),s=100)
Answered By - Angus Williams
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