I have created an RTC energy dispatch model using PYOMO. There is a demand profile and to serve this demand profile we have three main components: Solar, Wind, and Battery just so that the model won't give infeasible errors in case there is not enough energy supply from the three main sources I have added one backup generator called Lost_Load I have added one binary variable called insufficient_dispatch which will be 1 if lost_load >= 10% of demand profile else 0. Here is the inputs that I am using:
Here is the code:
import datetime
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from pyomo.environ import *
profiles = pd.read_excel('profiles.xlsx', sheet_name='15min', usecols='B:D')
solar_profile = profiles.iloc[:, 0].values
wind_profile = profiles.iloc[:, 1].values
load_profile = profiles.iloc[:, 2].values
interval_freq = 60
solar_capacity = 120
wind_capacity = 170
power = 90
energy = 360
model = ConcreteModel()
model.m_index = Set(initialize=list(range(len(load_profile))))
# model.total_instance = Param(initialize=35010000)
model.chargeEff = Param(initialize=0.92)
model.dchargeEff = Param(initialize=0.92)
model.storage_power = Param(initialize=power)
model.storage_energy = Param(initialize=energy)
# model.grid = Var(model.m_index, domain=Reals)
model.grid = Var(model.m_index, domain=NonNegativeReals)
model.p_max = Var(domain=NonNegativeReals)
# storage
model.e_in = Var(model.m_index, domain=NonNegativeReals)
model.e_out = Var(model.m_index, domain=NonNegativeReals)
model.soc = Var(model.m_index, domain=NonNegativeReals)
model.ein_eout_lmt = Var(model.m_index, domain=Binary)
# Solar variable
solar_ac = np.minimum(solar_profile * solar_capacity * (interval_freq / 60), solar_capacity * (interval_freq / 60))
model.solar_cap = Param(initialize=solar_capacity)
model.solar_use = Var(model.m_index, domain=NonNegativeReals)
# Wind variables
wind_ac = np.minimum(wind_profile * wind_capacity * (interval_freq / 60), wind_capacity * (interval_freq / 60))
model.wind_cap = Param(initialize=wind_capacity)
model.wind_use = Var(model.m_index, domain=NonNegativeReals)
# Solar profile
model.solar_avl = Param(model.m_index, initialize=dict(zip(model.m_index, solar_ac)))
# Wind profile
model.wind_avl = Param(model.m_index, initialize=dict(zip(model.m_index, wind_ac)))
# Load profile
model.load_profile = Param(model.m_index, initialize=dict(zip(model.m_index, load_profile * interval_freq / 60.0)))
model.lost_load = Var(model.m_index, domain=NonNegativeReals)
# Auxiliary binary variable for the condition
model.insufficient_dispatch = Var(model.m_index, domain=Binary)
# Objective function
def revenue(model):
total_revenue = sum(
model.grid[m] * 100 +
model.lost_load[m] * -1000000000 #* model.insufficient_dispatch[m]
for m in model.m_index)
return total_revenue
model.obj = Objective(rule=revenue, sense=maximize)
eps = 1e-3 # to create a gap for gen3_status constraints
bigm = 1e3 # choose this value high but not so much to avoid numeric instability
# Create 2 BigM constraints
def gen3_on_off1(model, m):
return model.lost_load[m] >= 0.1 * model.load_profile[m] + eps - bigm * (1 - model.insufficient_dispatch[m])
def gen3_on_off2(model, m):
return model.lost_load[m] <= 0.1 * model.load_profile[m] + bigm * model.insufficient_dispatch[m]
model.gen3_on_off1 = Constraint(model.m_index, rule=gen3_on_off1)
model.gen3_on_off2 = Constraint(model.m_index, rule=gen3_on_off2)
def energy_balance(model, m):
return model.grid[m] <= model.solar_use[m] + model.wind_use[m] + model.e_out[m] - model.e_in[m] + model.lost_load[m]
model.energy_balance = Constraint(model.m_index, rule=energy_balance)
def grid_limit(model, m):
return model.grid[m] >= model.load_profile[m]
model.grid_limit = Constraint(model.m_index, rule=grid_limit)
def max_solar_gen(model, m):
eq = model.solar_use[m] <= model.solar_avl[m] * 1
return eq
model.max_solar_gen = Constraint(model.m_index, rule=max_solar_gen)
def min_solar_gen(model, m):
eq = model.solar_use[m] >= model.solar_avl[m] * 0.6
return eq
# model.min_solar_gen = Constraint(model.m_index, rule=min_solar_gen)
def max_wind_gen(model, m):
eq = model.wind_use[m] <= model.wind_avl[m] * 1
return eq
model.max_wind_gen = Constraint(model.m_index, rule=max_wind_gen)
def min_wind_gen(model, m):
eq = model.wind_use[m] >= model.wind_avl[m] * 0.3
return eq
# model.min_wind_gen = Constraint(model.m_index, rule=min_wind_gen)
# Charging and discharging controller
def ein_limit1(model, m):
eq = model.e_in[m] + (1 - model.ein_eout_lmt[m]) * 1000000 >= 0
return eq
model.ein_limit1 = Constraint(model.m_index, rule=ein_limit1)
def eout_limit1(model, m):
eq = model.e_out[m] + (1 - model.ein_eout_lmt[m]) * -1000000 <= 0
return eq
model.eout_limit1 = Constraint(model.m_index, rule=eout_limit1)
def ein_limit2(model, m):
eq = model.e_out[m] + (model.ein_eout_lmt[m]) * 1000000 >= 0
return eq
model.ein_limit2 = Constraint(model.m_index, rule=ein_limit2)
def eout_limit2(model, m):
eq = model.e_in[m] + (model.ein_eout_lmt[m]) * -1000000 <= 0
return eq
model.eout_limit2 = Constraint(model.m_index, rule=eout_limit2)
#max charging
def max_charge(model, m):
return model.e_in[m] <= model.storage_power*interval_freq/60
model.max_charge = Constraint(model.m_index, rule=max_charge)
# max discharging
def max_discharge(model, m):
return model.e_out[m] <= model.storage_power*interval_freq/60
model.max_max_discharge = Constraint(model.m_index, rule=max_discharge)
def soc_update(model, m):
if m == 0:
eq = model.soc[m] == \
(model.storage_energy * 1) +
(model.e_in[m] * model.chargeEff) -
(model.e_out[m] / model.dchargeEff) #* model.insufficient_dispatch[m]
eq = model.soc[m] == \
model.soc[m - 1] +
(model.e_in[m] * model.chargeEff) -
(model.e_out[m] / model.dchargeEff) #* model.insufficient_dispatch[m]
return eq
model.soc_update = Constraint(model.m_index, rule=soc_update)
def soc_min(model, m):
eq = model.soc[m] >= model.storage_energy * 0.2
return eq
model.soc_min = Constraint(model.m_index, rule=soc_min)
def soc_max(model, m):
eq = model.soc[m] <= model.storage_energy * 1
return eq
model.soc_max = Constraint(model.m_index, rule=soc_max)
def throughput_limit(model):
energy_sum = sum(model.e_out[idx] for idx in model.m_index)
return energy_sum <= model.storage_energy*365
# model.throughput_limit = Constraint(rule=throughput_limit)
Solver = SolverFactory('gurobi')
Solver.options['LogFile'] = "gurobiLog"
Solver.options['MIPGap'] = 0.50
print('\nConnecting to Gurobi Server...')
results = Solver.solve(model)
if (results.solver.status == SolverStatus.ok):
if (results.solver.termination_condition == TerminationCondition.optimal):
print("\n\n***Optimal solution found***")
print('obj returned:', round(value(model.obj), 2))
print("\n\n***No optimal solution found***")
if (results.solver.termination_condition == TerminationCondition.infeasible):
print("Infeasible solution")
print("\n\n***Solver terminated abnormally***")
grid_use = []
solar = []
wind = []
e_in = []
soc = []
lost_load = []
insufficient_dispatch = []
load = []
for i in range(len(load_profile)):
df_out = pd.DataFrame()
df_out["Grid"] = grid_use
df_out["Potential Solar"] = solar_ac
df_out["Potential Wind"] = wind_ac
df_out["Actual Solar"] = solar
df_out["Actual Wind"] = wind
# df_out["Solar Curtailment"] = solar_ac - np.array(solar)
# df_out["Wind Curtailment"] = wind_ac - np.array(wind)
df_out["Charge"] = e_in
df_out["Discharge"] = e_out
df_out["soc"] = soc
df_out["Lost Load"] = lost_load
df_out["Load profile"] = load
df_out["Dispatch"] = df_out["Grid"] - df_out["Lost Load"]
df_out["Insufficient Supply"] = insufficient_dispatch
summary = {
'Grid': [df_out['Grid'].sum()/1000],
'Wind': [df_out['Actual Wind'].sum()/1000],
'Solar': [df_out['Actual Solar'].sum()/1000],
'Storage Discharge': [df_out['Discharge'].sum()/1000],
'Storage Charge': [df_out['Charge'].sum()/1000],
'Shortfall': [df_out['Lost Load'].sum()/1000],
# 'Solar Curtailment': [df_out['Solar Curtailment'].sum()/1000],
# 'Wind Curtailment': [df_out['Wind Curtailment'].sum()/1000],
summaryDF = pd.DataFrame(summary)
timestamp ='%y-%m-%d_%H-%M')
with pd.ExcelWriter('output solar '+str(solar_capacity)+'MW wind '+str(wind_capacity)+'MW ESS '+str(power)+'MW and '+str(energy)+'MWh '+str(timestamp)+'.xlsx') as writer:
df_out.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='dispatch')
summaryDF.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='Summary', index=False)
I want to use this binary variable insufficient_dispatch with another constraint energy_balance ( which is already there in the code ) :
def energy_balance(model, m):
return model.grid[m] <= model.solar_use[m] + model.wind_use[m] + model.e_out[m] - model.e_in[m] + model.lost_load[m]
it should be like:
if model.insufficient_dispatch[m] == 0:
return model.grid[m] <= model.solar_use[m] + model.wind_use[m] + model.e_out[m] - model.e_in[m] + model.lost_load[m]
return model.grid[m] * 0.9 <= model.solar_use[m] + model.wind_use[m] + model.e_out[m] - model.e_in[m] + model.lost_load[m]
But this won't work, can someone please help? This is the graphical representation of one of the months:
how i want is something like this:
If we are only interested in the left hand side of your inequality, you want 1 * grid
when insufficient_dispatch == 0
or 0.9 * grid
if i == 0:
1.0 * x <= F
0.9 * x <= F
is equivalent to:
(1 - w) + w * 0.9
w=0, (1 - 0) + 0 * 0.9 gives 1.0
w=1, (1 - 1) + 1 * 0.9 gives 0.9
You can rewrite your constraint like:
def energy_balance(model, m):
lhs = ((1 - model.insufficient_dispatch[m]) + model.insufficient_dispatch[m] * 0.9) * model.grid[m]
return lhs <= model.solar_use[m] + model.wind_use[m] + model.e_out[m] - model.e_in[m] + model.lost_load[m]
To keep your model linear, create 2 constraints (same explanation than my answer of your previous question):
bigm = 1e3
# When i=0
def energy_balance1(model, m):
return model.grid[m] <= model.solar_use[m] + model.wind_use[m] + model.e_out[m] - model.e_in[m] + model.lost_load[m] + model.insufficient_dispatch[m] * bigm
# When i=1
def energy_balance2(model, m):
return model.grid[m] * 0.9 <= model.solar_use[m] + model.wind_use[m] + model.e_out[m] - model.e_in[m] + model.lost_load[m] + (1 - model.insufficient_dispatch[m]) * bigm
Answered By - Corralien
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