I've this problem in my python app. I need to add a the latest column named "ValueOverlap" (I made up this values) to my dataframe with multiple conditions and calculated result.
Date | Open | High | Low | Close | PrevHigh | PrevLow | Direction | PrevDirection | ValueOverlap |
31/12/1995 | 0,2879 | 0,3170 | 0,1429 | 0,1864 | 0,4475 | 0,2824 | Bearish | Bearish | 38 |
31/12/1996 | 0,1886 | 0,2640 | 0,1138 | 0,1172 | 0,3170 | 0,1429 | Bearish | Bearish | 13 |
31/12/1997 | 0,1217 | 0,3906 | 0,1205 | 0,3655 | 0,2640 | 0,1138 | Bullish | Bearish | 38 |
31/12/1998 | 0,3761 | 1,0536 | 0,2857 | 0,9180 | 0,3906 | 0,1205 | Bullish | Bullish | 47 |
31/12/1999 | 0,9364 | 1,3426 | 0,2433 | 0,2656 | 1,0536 | 0,2857 | Bearish | Bullish | 34 |
31/12/2000 | 0,2656 | 0,4843 | 0,2578 | 0,3911 | 1,3426 | 0,2433 | Bullish | Bearish | 47 |
31/12/2001 | 0,3938 | 0,4673 | 0,2386 | 0,2559 | 0,4843 | 0,2578 | Bearish | Bullish | 46 |
31/12/2002 | 0,2564 | 0,4466 | 0,2271 | 0,3816 | 0,4673 | 0,2386 | Bullish | Bearish | 32 |
31/12/2003 | 0,3848 | 1,2423 | 0,3782 | 1,1500 | 0,4466 | 0,2271 | Bullish | Bullish | 45 |
31/12/2004 | 1,1568 | 2,6950 | 1,1179 | 2,5675 | 1,2423 | 0,3782 | Bullish | Bullish | 37 |
31/12/2005 | 2,5850 | 3,3271 | 1,7914 | 3,0300 | 2,6950 | 1,1179 | Bullish | Bullish | 46 |
31/12/2006 | 3,0818 | 7,2486 | 2,9250 | 7,0743 | 3,3271 | 1,7914 | Bullish | Bullish | 32 |
31/12/2007 | 7,1168 | 7,1521 | 2,8264 | 3,0482 | 7,2486 | 2,9250 | Bearish | Bullish | 30 |
31/12/2008 | 3,0671 | 7,6411 | 2,7929 | 7,5261 | 7,1521 | 2,8264 | Bullish | Bearish | 36 |
31/12/2009 | 7,6225 | 11,6664 | 6,7946 | 11,5200 | 7,6411 | 2,7929 | Bullish | Bullish | 16 |
31/12/2010 | 11,6300 | 15,2393 | 11,0893 | 14,4643 | 11,6664 | 6,7946 | Bullish | Bullish | 30 |
31/12/2011 | 14,6214 | 25,1811 | 14,6071 | 19,0061 | 15,2393 | 11,0893 | Bullish | Bullish | 48 |
31/12/2012 | 19,7793 | 20,5407 | 13,7536 | 20,0364 | 25,1811 | 14,6071 | Bullish | Bullish | 48 |
31/12/2013 | 19,8457 | 29,9375 | 17,6268 | 27,5950 | 20,5407 | 13,7536 | Bullish | Bullish | 16 |
31/12/2014 | 27,8475 | 33,6350 | 23,0000 | 26,3150 | 29,9375 | 17,6268 | Bearish | Bullish | 28 |
31/12/2015 | 25,6525 | 29,6725 | 22,3675 | 28,9550 | 33,6350 | 23,0000 | Bullish | Bearish | 44 |
31/12/2016 | 28,9500 | 44,3000 | 28,6900 | 42,3075 | 29,6725 | 22,3675 | Bullish | Bullish | 20 |
31/12/2017 | 42,5400 | 58,3675 | 36,6475 | 39,4350 | 44,3000 | 28,6900 | Bearish | Bullish | 37 |
31/12/2018 | 38,7225 | 73,4925 | 35,5000 | 73,4125 | 58,3675 | 36,6475 | Bullish | Bearish | 47 |
31/12/2019 | 74,0600 | 138,7900 | 53,1525 | 132,6900 | 73,4925 | 35,5000 | Bullish | Bullish | 16 |
31/12/2020 | 133,5200 | 182,1300 | 116,2100 | 177,5700 | 138,7900 | 53,1525 | Bullish | Bullish | 16 |
31/12/2021 | 177,8300 | 182,9400 | 125,8700 | 129,9300 | 182,1300 | 116,2100 | Bearish | Bullish | 34 |
31/12/2022 | 130,2800 | 199,6200 | 124,1700 | 193,6000 | 182,9400 | 125,8700 | Bullish | Bearish | 21 |
I test with df.loc function with this code:
df.loc[(df['PrevDirection'] == 'Bullish') & (df['Direction'] == 'Bullish'), 'Value_Overlap'] = min((df['PrevHigh'] - df['Low']) / (df['High'] - df['Low']) * 100, (df['PrevHigh'] - df['Low']) / (df['PrevHigh'] - df['PrevLow']) * 100)
df.loc[(df['PrevDirection'] == 'Bearish') & (df['Direction'] == 'Bearish'), 'Value_Overlap'] = min((df['High'] - df['PrevLow']) / (df['High'] - df['Low']) * 100, (df['High'] - df['PrevLow']) / (df['PrevHigh'] - df['PrevLow']) * 100)
And with lambda funtion with this other code:
df['Value_Overlap'] = df.apply(lambda x: min((df['PrevHigh'] - df['Low']) / (df['High'] - df['Low']) * 100, (df['PrevHigh'] - df['Low']) / (df['PrevHigh'] - df['PrevLow']) * 100) if x['PrevDirection'] == 'Bullish' and x['Direction'] == 'Bullish' else min((df['High'] - df['PrevLow']) / (df['High'] - df['Low']) * 100, (df['High'] - df['PrevLow']) / (df['PrevHigh'] - df['PrevLow']) * 100) if x['PrevDirection'] == 'Bearish' and x['Direction'] == 'Bearish' else 0, axis=1)
In booth codes are the same error: "ValueError: The truth value of a Series is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all()."
Any idea to solve this problem? Thanks a lot in advance!
You can't use min
with a list of values, you have to use a vectorized min function:
import numpy as np
v1 = (df['PrevHigh'] - df['Low']) / (df['High'] - df['Low']) * 100
v2 = (df['PrevHigh'] - df['Low']) / (df['PrevHigh'] - df['PrevLow']) * 100
bullish = np.min([v1, v2], axis=0)
v1 = (df['High'] - df['PrevLow']) / (df['High'] - df['Low']) * 100
v2 = (df['High'] - df['PrevLow']) / (df['PrevHigh'] - df['PrevLow']) * 100
bearish = np.min([v1, v2], axis=0)
m = (df['PrevDirection'] == 'Bullish') & (df['Direction'] == 'Bullish')
df.loc[m, 'Value_Overlap'] = bullish[m]
m = (df['PrevDirection'] == 'Bearish') & (df['Direction'] == 'Bearish')
df.loc[m, 'Value_Overlap'] = bearish[m]
I get a result but Value_Overlap
are clearly not the same than ValueOverlap
>>> df.loc[:, 'Direction':]
Direction PrevDirection ValueOverlap Value_Overlap
0 Bearish Bearish 38 -151.847365
1 Bearish Bearish 13 104.766187
2 Bullish Bearish 38 NaN
3 Bullish Bullish 47 13.660633
4 Bearish Bullish 34 NaN
5 Bullish Bearish 47 NaN
6 Bearish Bullish 46 NaN
7 Bullish Bearish 32 NaN
8 Bullish Bullish 45 7.915750
9 Bullish Bullish 37 -14.662895
10 Bullish Bullish 46 -99.101387
11 Bullish Bullish 32 43.625020
12 Bearish Bullish 30 NaN
13 Bullish Bearish 36 NaN
14 Bullish Bullish 16 17.375508
15 Bullish Bullish 30 11.845724
16 Bullish Bullish 48 5.978816
17 Bullish Bullish 48 108.071685
18 Bullish Bullish 16 23.669653
19 Bearish Bullish 28 NaN
20 Bullish Bearish 44 NaN
21 Bullish Bullish 20 -12112.778236
22 Bearish Bullish 37 NaN
23 Bullish Bearish 47 NaN
24 Bullish Bullish 16 -39.293262
25 Bullish Bullish 16 -0.436205
26 Bearish Bullish 34 NaN
27 Bullish Bearish 21 NaN
Answered By - Corralien
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