This might be a little nitty gritty, but I would like to know this behavior of Numpy in more detail (numpy version 1.26.3).
I encountered this when programming a simple Park and Miller random number generator. It involves calculating the modulus with 2^31-1 and just happened to define it exactly like that:
m = numpy.power(2,31)-1
and got a warning RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in scalar subtract m = numpy.power(2,31)-1
. I was slightly surprised at first, but I quickly realized that numpy works with int32 by default, even in 64-bit machines. But that got me wondering why there was no error on the power, which overflows the signed 32-bit integer. The result is still correct:
<class 'numpy.int32'> 2147483647
Direct storage of 2147483648 to m gives overflow error OverflowError: Python int too large to convert to C long
This worked well; I got a warning now that I was storing 2^31-1. If I had instead stored 2^31, I would have got a wrong answer without warning:
test = np.power(2,31)
<class 'numpy.int32'> -2147483648
Instead of the correct answer, 2147483648
. Is there a guideline on when to carefully check for this kind of behavior with Numpy?
As I suspected, it was a duplicate question. Numpy does not do overflow detection on arrays. Apparently, that needs hardware support to keep array operations fast enough for large arrays, and current hardware generations don't support it.
See and
Using numpy to square value gives negative number
as posted by as a comment.
Answered By - PSm
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