The following code works well on Windows but I need to run it on Ubuntu and it seems that cv2.imshow()
is not supported. I'm looking for an alternative using matplotlib or any other library which runs on Ubuntu.
It works as follows:
I have a list of frames, a frame being a numpy
array representing an RGB image. I loop through the frames, show the current one with cv2.imshow()
and use waitKey()
to register an action, either keep the frame (append it to another list) or dismiss it. I need the image to appear in the same window as the others.
The code:
frames is a list of 3-d numpy array representing an RGB image.
keeped_frames = []
frame_index = 0
frames_upper_bound = len(frames)
for frame in frames:
print('Showing frame {} / {}'.format(frame_index + 1,frames_upper_bound))
cv2.imshow('frame', frame)
key = cv2.waitKey(0) & 0xFF
if key == ord('0'):
print('Not appending frame {} / {} to list'.format(frame_index + 1, frames_upper_bound))
elif key == ord('1'):
print('Appending frame {} / {} to list'.format(frame_index + 1, frames_upper_bound))
elif key == ord('q'):
frame_index += 1
I tried with plt.imshow()
on a loop but it creates new windows every time. Even if this is fixed, how can I easily register keyboard action and quickly switch to the next frame?
With cv2
it works really well, I can keep the key down and frames just pass pretty fast; since I need to annotate thousands of frames this way, I'd like something similar.
Can I replicate this behavior with matplotlib or any other library which runs on Ubuntu?
Surely, you can use the imshow
method of matplotlib.pyplot
and event handling capabilities of matplotlib. You can try the following code and see if it works for you:
import matplotlib as mpl
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# just some random data
frames = [np.random.random((10, 10)) for _ in range(100)]
keeped_frames = []
i = 0
# event listener
def press(event):
global i
if event.key == '1':
print('Appending frame')
keeped_frames.append(frames[i % 100])
i += 1
imgplot.set_data(frames[i % 100])
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', press)
imgplot = ax.imshow(frames[i % 100])
One thing that you should be aware of is that the listener behaviour depends on the backend you're using. In Qt5Agg
one key press fires one key_press
event whether you hold the key or not, and in wxAgg
key holding fires continious press and release events (the behaviour you desire, I guess).
Answered By - Andrey Sobolev
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